Project overview
Current projects
AI Engineering - An interdisciplinary, project-oriented bachelor's degree program with a focus on artificial intelligence and engineering.
Duration: 01.12.2021 bis 30.11.2025
AI Engineering (AiEng) encompasses the systematic design, development, integration and operation of solutions based on artificial intelligence (AI) using engineering methods as a model. At the same time, AiEng builds a bridge between basic research on AI methods and the engineering sciences and makes the use of AI systematically accessible and available there. The project focuses on the nationwide development of an "AI Engineering" Bachelor's degree program, which combines the training of AI methods, models and technologies with those of engineering sciences. AiEng is to be designed as a cooperative study program between Otto von Guericke University (OVGU) Magdeburg and the four universities in Saxony-Anhalt: Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, Harz University of Applied Sciences, Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences and Merseburg University of Applied Sciences. The interdisciplinary degree program will enable students to develop AI systems and services in the industrial environment and beyond and to provide holistic support for the associated engineering process - from problem analysis to commissioning and maintenance / servicing. The AiEng curriculum provides comprehensive AI training, supplemented by basic engineering training and in-depth training in a selected application domain. In order to achieve a symbiosis of AI and engineering education, a new action-oriented framework is developed and taught, which describes the complete engineering process of AI solutions and methodically supports all phases. AIEng is characterized by a cross-module interlocking of teaching and learning content within a semester as well as by a cross-faculty and cross-university tandem teaching concept and pursues a student-centered didactic concept, which is supported by many practice-oriented (team) projects and a wide range of Open Educational Resources (OERs) with an (e)-tutor program.
Completed projects
Geodesign for urban and logistics planning of the tourism sector with VR visualization
Duration: 01.11.2022 bis 31.10.2024
Within the R&D project "GEOSTALOVR", the development of a simulation-based geodesign platform for planning logistics and tourism in European cities is planned. By means of VR visualization and interaction possibilities, the planning process is to be digitalized throughout, democratized and made more human-centered. The development is being realized in an international cooperation project with Turkey in collaboration with three SME partners (LS Software & Engineering GmbH, Globetech Cografi Bilgi Teknolojileri Yazilim Planlama Harita Enerji Egitim Mühendislik Danismanlik Limited and Elf Sehir Planlama) and two research partners (Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg and Harran University). The project is designed to run for two years. A prototypical setup and testing of the system is planned based on the city of Sanliurfa in Turkey. The project emerged from the network "NekoS" and is accompanied by the network management (ZPVP GmbH) during the implementation.
Simulation and testing platform for innovative storage concepts
Duration: 01.09.2022 bis 28.02.2023
Development, implementation and evaluation of a simulation and test platform for the development and evaluation of algorithms and strategies for innovative warehouse concepts in manufacturing companies.
LogCentre - Logistics Trainings (LogTraining)
Duration: 15.10.2021 bis 31.12.2021
The project aims to enable the LogCentre of the German-Kazakh University (DKU) to provide trainings in the areas of
- Transport
- Business games in production and logistics
- Simulation, optimization and AI for decision support in production and logistics
- Urban and sustainable logistics
on the Kazakh market and to be able to carry them out on a self-supporting basis. The target group of the trainings are companies operating in Kazakhstan and Central Asia as well as governmental organizations such as city administrations and universities.
For this purpose, the following work packages are to be processed jointly by OVGU and DKU in the project:
- Project and risk management
- Needs analysis
- Business plan
- Selection and training of DKU LogCentre personnel
- Creation of concept and materials for the training measures
- Pilot trainings with German-Kazakh trainer tandems in the above mentioned areas
- Commercial trainings in the above mentioned areas
- Communication and marketing
Development of a Bologna-based Master Curriculum in Resource Efficient Production Logistics (ProdLog)
Duration: 01.12.2017 bis 15.10.2021
ProdLog addresses the issue of a weak industrial sector in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Russian Federation and focuses on enabling universities to gain and provide a profound and holistic knowledge on planning and operating sustainable production processes. For that purpose a bologna-based master curriculum with 18 modules in resource efficient production logistics will be developed and implemented in six universities of the partner countries. The academic staff will be trained with innovative teaching methods in the learning factory "Technology centre for production and logistics systems PULS" and equipped with state of the art logistics laboratories. By means of that, the understanding of logistics shall be widened - away from transport logistics to a systemic and interdisciplinary approach of applicant-oriented education, challenges with economical, political and social problems of our society.
Connecting material flow simulation models based on Plant Simulation with a digital twin of production plants and a visualization platform
Duration: 01.03.2020 bis 31.07.2020
Development of material flow simulation models based on Plant Simulation and the development of a connection of these with a digital twin of production plants and a visualization platform with the work packages:
- Basic development of a connection of a material flow simulation with a digital twin of a production plant and basic visualization in a 360 degree visualization system
- Development of an extended material flow simulation
LOCsys - Laundry Order Consolidation System
Duration: 01.01.2018 bis 29.02.2020
Im Rahmen des FuE-Projektes "LOCSys" (Laundry Order Consolidation System) ist die Entwicklung und Testung eines neuartigen, automatischen Systems zur Pufferung, Konsolidierung und Kommissionierung kundenbezogener, kleinteiliger Waschaufträge in industriellen Großwäscherein vorgesehen.
Die Realisierung der Entwicklung erfolgt in einem Kooperationsprojekt in Zusammenarbeit von drei KMU-Partnern (EBF Dresden GmbH, FRAIMTEC Automation & Anlagenmontage GmbH und Ematik GmbH) und zwei Forschungspartnern (Otto-von-Guericke-Universität, Fraunhofer IFF). Das geplante Vorhaben ist auf eine Laufzeit von 2 Jahren ausgelegt. Ein prototypischer Aufbau und Erprobung des Systems ist bei der Puschendorf Textilservice GmbH am Standort Flechtigen oder Schönebeck vorgesehen.
Das avisierte Vorhaben ist ein aus dem ZIM-Netzwerk "NekoS" hervorgegangenes FuE-Projekt und wird von der Netzwerkmanagementeinrichtung, der ZPVP Zentrum für Produkt-, Verfahrens- und Prozessinnovation GmbH - Experimentelle Fabrik Magdeburg, bei der Umsetzung begleitet.
Das Projekt "LOCSys" wird als Verbundprojekt vom BMWi im Rahmen des Zentralen Innovationsprogramms Mittelstand (ZIM) gefördert.